Lemon hacks: Use ingenious lemon tips for household and health

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The lemon, a simple fruit, is a real miracle product in the household. This lemon hacks guide unfolds the many facets of the lemon, from cleaning and care uses to health-promoting properties. Discover how to make full use of this tangy fruit!

Lemon Hacks: Natural Cleanser

Kitchen cleaner with lemon juice

Lemon juice is an excellent kitchen cleaner. Mix it with water and pour the solution into a spray bottle. This allows you to clean work surfaces, sinks and even the refrigerator effectively and in an environmentally friendly way. The natural acidity of the lemon works against bacteria and leaves a fresh scent.

Ingredients and preparation

To make your own kitchen cleaner you only need a few simple ingredients:

  • Fresh lemon juice from about 2 lemons
  • 500 ml water
  • Optional: A few drops of essential oil (e.g. lavender or eucalyptus) for additional scent

Mix the lemon juice with the water in a spray bottle. If you want, you can add a few drops of essential oil. Shake the bottle well to mix all the ingredients.


Spray the mixture directly onto the surfaces you want to clean in your kitchen. Leave it on for a few minutes, especially on areas with stubborn stains or grease deposits. Then wipe the surfaces with a clean cloth or sponge. For additional shine, you can polish the surfaces with a dry cloth.

DALL·E 2023 12 29 09.22.16 A photo realistic image illustrating the use of a lemon as a kitchen cleaner. The scene should depict a kitchen environment with a person using a lemon
Lemon hacks: Use ingenious lemon tips for household & health 23 Lemon hacks: Use ingenious lemon tips for household & health


This homemade kitchen cleaner is not only inexpensive and environmentally friendly, but also very effective. Lemon juice has an antibacterial effect and is a powerful degreaser, making it ideal for kitchen cleaning. The fresh citrus scent also creates a pleasant and fresh atmosphere in your kitchen.


  • For stubborn stains, let the cleaner work for a little longer and use a brush or scrubber.
  • You can also use the cleaner in the refrigerator to neutralize unpleasant odors and disinfect surfaces.
  • Keep the cleaner out of the reach of children and avoid contact with eyes.

With this simple, natural cleaner you not only keep your kitchen clean, but you also do something good for the environment.

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Kieler Seifen Oma's Lemon Cleanser 1 L Concentrate I…*
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Stain remover with lemon juice

Lemon juice effectively removes stains. If there are rust or fruit stains on your laundry, put a little lemon juice directly on the stain, let it soak in, and then wash it out. This method is particularly suitable for white laundry as lemon juice has whitening properties.

Ingredients and preparation

For an effective stain remover you need:

  • Fresh lemon juice
  • Optional: salt or baking soda for more stubborn stains

Start by lightly wetting the affected area of ​​the garment. This helps the lemon juice penetrate deeper into the fibers.


Apply the fresh lemon juice directly to the stain. For particularly stubborn stains like rust or dried fruit stains, you can add a small amount of salt or baking soda. Let the mixture sit for about 15 to 30 minutes.

After the exposure time, rinse the treated area with cold water. Check the stain before washing the item as usual. If the stain is still visible, repeat the process before washing.


Lemon juice is an excellent stain remover, especially on white fabrics, as it has natural whitening properties. It is gentle on most fabrics and leaves a pleasant, fresh scent. This method is also environmentally friendly and free of harmful chemicals.


  • Test the lemon juice on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric to make sure it won't damage the material.
  • You should be careful with colored fabrics as lemon juice can have a bleaching effect.
  • Do not use on silk or wool as citric acid can damage these materials.
  • Avoid direct sunlight when leaving it on as this can lead to additional bleaching effects.

With this simple, natural stain remover you can effectively combat stains while protecting the environment.

Descaling with citric acid

Citric acid is ideal for descaling household appliances such as kettles and coffee machines. Simply mix lemon juice with water and let the solution run through. Then rinse thoroughly. Citric acid is also effective for toilets. Pour it directly into the bowl, let it soak in and then rinse​​.

Ingredients and preparation

For effective descaling you need:

  • Fresh lemon juice
  • Water
  • A spray bottle or container for application

Mix an equal amount of lemon juice and water as needed. For more severe limescale deposits, you can increase the amount of lemon juice.

Application in household appliances

  1. Kettles and coffee machines:
    • Pour the lemon juice and water mixture into the device.
    • Run the device once as if you were boiling water or brewing coffee.
    • Repeat the process with clean water to remove any citric acid residue.
  2. Shower heads and faucets:
    • Dip the showerhead or faucet into the mixture or apply it with a spray bottle.
    • Let the solution sit for a few hours.
    • Then rinse thoroughly with water.

Application for toilets

  • Pour the lemon juice and water mixture directly into the toilet.
  • Let the solution sit for at least an hour, ideally overnight.
  • Brush the toilet and then flush.


Citric acid is an excellent, natural descaling agent. It is environmentally friendly and effective against limescale without damaging surfaces. It also leaves a fresh, clean scent.


  • If there is stubborn limescale, increase the concentration of lemon juice.
  • Make sure that all parts of the device come into contact with the solution.
  • Regular use in the toilet can prevent limescale deposits.
  • Before use, check whether your devices are suitable for acid treatment.

With citric acid you can easily and safely remove limescale deposits and effectively care for your household appliances and sanitary facilities.

Clean the microwave with lemon juice

A mixture of lemon juice and water heated in the microwave makes it easier to remove crusts. In addition, a pleasant scent is released.

Ingredients and preparation

To clean the microwave effectively and naturally you need:

  • Fresh lemon juice from about 1-2 lemons
  • 1 cup water
  • A microwave-safe bowl

Squeeze the juice from the lemons and mix it with the water in the bowl.


  1. Preparation:
    • Place the bowl with the lemon-water mixture in the microwave.
  2. Heat:
    • Heat the mixture in the microwave for about 3-5 minutes until it begins to steam and the inside of the microwave is filled with steam.
  3. Let absorb:
    • Leave the bowl in the microwave for about 5 minutes so that the steam can work on the crusts.
  4. Clean:
    • Remove the bowl carefully (be careful, it may be hot!).
    • Wipe the inside of the microwave with a sponge or cloth. The steam and lemon juice should make it easier to loosen crusts.


This method uses the natural cleaning power of lemon juice and the disinfecting effects of steam. It is environmentally friendly, leaves no chemical residue and leaves your microwave smelling fresh and clean.


  • For extra shine, wipe the inside of the microwave with a dry cloth after cleaning.
  • If the incrustations are very stubborn, the exposure time can be extended.
  • This method is also great for neutralizing unpleasant odors in the microwave.

With this simple, natural cleaning hack, you'll not only keep your microwave clean, but also keep your kitchen smelling nice.

Lemon Hacks: Beauty and Health Care

Skin care with lemon juice

Lemon juice mixed with honey can be used as a natural facial mask. This mixture helps reduce acne and brighten skin. Regular rubbing with lemon juice can also help with large-pored skin.

Ingredients and preparation

For a natural face mask you need:

  • Fresh lemon juice from about 1 lemon
  • 1 Esslöffel Honig
  • A small bowl for the mixture

Mix the lemon juice with the honey in the bowl until you get a smooth consistency.


  1. Cleanse skin:
    • Start with clean and dry skin. This ensures that the mask can work effectively.
  2. Apply mask:
    • Apply the lemon-honey mixture evenly to your face, avoiding the eye area.
    • Leave the mask on for about 10-15 minutes.
  3. Rinse off:
    • Rinse off the mask thoroughly with lukewarm water.
  4. Skin care:
    • After cleansing, apply a moisturizer to soothe and nourish the skin.


Lemon juice has a brightening and antibacterial effect, which can be particularly helpful for acne and pigment spots. Honey moisturizes and has anti-inflammatory properties. This combination is ideal for gentle but effective skin care.


  • Test the mixture on a small area of ​​skin before use to rule out any allergic reactions.
  • Avoid use on open wounds or very sensitive skin.
  • Avoid direct sunlight after application as lemon juice can make the skin more sensitive to light.
  • Regular use can lead to a visible improvement in the skin, but the mask should not be used more than twice a week.

This natural face mask is a simple and affordable way to enrich your skincare routine and make the most of the properties of lemon and honey.

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Lemon Oil 100ml – Citrus Limon – Italy – 100% Pure Lemon…*
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Sanct Bernhard lemon body milk with natural…*
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Hair Care

Lemon juice in the final rinse gives hair shine and can reduce dandruff. To strengthen soft fingernails, daily rubbing with lemon juice is recommended​​.

Hair care with lemon juice

Ingredients and preparation

For a natural hair conditioner you need:

  • Fresh lemon juice from about 1-2 lemons
  • 1 liters of water
  • A bottle or container for the mixture

Mix the lemon juice with the water in the bottle or container.

Application for hair

  1. wash hair:
    • Wash your hair as usual with shampoo.
  2. Lemon rinse:
    • After shampooing, pour the lemon-water mixture over your hair as a final rinse.
    • Massage the mixture gently into the scalp and hair.
  3. Rinse (optional):
    • You can rinse the conditioner out or leave it in your hair for a stronger effect.

Application for fingernails

  • Apply some fresh lemon juice to your fingernails every day.
  • Gently massage the juice into the nails and cuticles.
  • Let it dry naturally.


Lemon juice can lighten hair, add shine and reduce dandruff when used regularly. Lemon juice has a strengthening effect on the nails and can help to strengthen brittle or soft nails.


  • Don't use lemon rinse immediately after coloring your hair as it can lighten the color.
  • If you have dry hair or sensitive scalp, you should adjust the frequency of use.
  • For fingernails, regular use can help improve the appearance and strength of nails.

With lemon juice as a natural hair and nail care product, you can reap the benefits of a simple home remedy and do something good for your hair and nails at the same time.

Lemon Hacks: In the Kitchen

Cooking and eating with lemon juice

Flavor enhancement

Lemon juice is a versatile and effective way to enhance the flavor of various dishes, especially fish.

  1. fish:
    • Drizzle a few drops of fresh lemon juice over the fish before cooking or frying it.
    • The lemon juice helps soften the fishy smell and adds a fresh flavor.
  2. Salads and dressings:
    • Add lemon juice to salad dressings to add a fresh and citrusy touch.
    • It goes particularly well with green salads, pasta salads or as part of a vinaigrette.

As a preservative

Lemon juice can also be used as a natural preservative to prevent cut fruit from browning.

  1. Protect fruit from browning:
    • Spray or drizzle sliced ​​fruit like apples, pears, or avocados with lemon juice.
    • The juice forms a protective layer that prevents the fruit from oxidizing and browning.
  2. fruit preserves:
    • When canning or preserving fruit, adding lemon juice can help preserve the color and improve the flavor.


Using lemon juice in cooking offers many benefits. Not only is it a natural flavor enhancer, but it also contains antioxidants that help preserve food. It is also low in calories and adds a healthy flavor to your dishes.


  • Use lemon juice sparingly so as not to overpower the flavor of the main ingredients.
  • When using as a preservative, store the fruit as cool as possible after sprinkling it with lemon juice.
  • Experiment with the amount of lemon juice to adjust the taste based on personal preference.

By incorporating lemon juice into your cooking and eating habits, you can elevate simple dishes while improving the freshness and shelf life of your food.

Lemon Hacks: Health-Boosting Uses

Lemon hacks
Lemon hacks: Use ingenious lemon tips for household & health 24 Lemon hacks: Use ingenious lemon tips for household & health

Digestive aid with warm lemon water

Ingredients and preparation

For an invigorating and digestive drink in the morning you need:

  • Fresh lemon juice from about 1/2 lemon
  • 1 glass of warm water

Squeeze the juice out of half a lemon and mix it with the warm water in a glass.


  1. morning routine:
    • It is best to drink the glass of warm lemon water immediately after getting up on an empty stomach.
  2. regularity:
    • Make it a part of your daily morning routine for best results.


Warm lemon water in the morning can stimulate digestion and improve bowel movements. Lemon juice has a mild laxative effect and helps cleanse the digestive system. Lemon water is also rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and supplies the body with important nutrients.


  • After drinking the lemon water, wait about 30 minutes before eating breakfast.
  • Make sure the water is warm, but not too hot, to preserve the lemon's nutrients.
  • You can adjust the amount of lemon juice depending on your taste and tolerance.
  • Drink the lemon water through a straw to minimize contact with your teeth and protect tooth enamel.

With this simple and natural method you can support your digestion and increase your well-being at the same time

Soothe a sore throat with lemon juice

Gargling with a mixture of lemon juice and warm water can relieve a sore throat.

Ingredients and preparation for gargle solution

For a soothing gargle solution you will need:

  • Fresh lemon juice from about 1/2 lemon
  • 1 glass of warm water

Mix the lemon juice with the warm water in a glass.

Application of the gargle solution

  1. Gargle:
    • Gargle with the lemon water mixture for a few minutes.
    • Then spit the solution out (do not swallow).
  2. Repetition:
    • Repeat the process several times a day, especially in the morning and evening.

Ingredients and preparation for lemon honey mix

For a soothing lemon-honey mixture you will need:

  • 1 / 2 lemon
  • 1-2 teaspoons of honey

Roast half a lemon briefly over a flame and then squeeze out the juice.

Application of the lemon-honey mix

  1. Preparation:
    • Mix the freshly squeezed lemon juice with the honey in a small container or cup.
  2. Taking:
    • Take the mixture slowly, spoonful by spoonful.
    • Leave the mixture in your throat for a few seconds before swallowing.


Both methods utilize the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of lemon and honey. They can help relieve a sore throat, especially with a cold. The honey also soothes the irritated throat.


  • It's best to use raw, unprocessed honey in the lemon honey mix for additional health benefits.
  • Make sure that the lemon is not heated too much to preserve the valuable ingredients.
  • If used regularly, the gargle solution can also have a preventative effect on sore throats.

With these simple home remedies you can naturally relieve a sore throat while supporting your immune system.

Lemon Hacks: Scent and Aromatherapy

Lemon hacks
Lemon hacks: Use ingenious lemon tips for household & health 25 Lemon hacks: Use ingenious lemon tips for household & health

Natural air freshener

Boiling lemon slices in water will create a fresh scent in your home.

Relaxation bath

Add lemon juice and peel to your bath water for a refreshing and relaxing bath.

Other applications

Natural fabric softener

The peel of a lemon squeezed into the washing machine acts as a natural fabric softener. This saves money and reduces the use of chemical fabric softeners.

Rinse aid for the dishwasher

Replace regular rinse aid with squeezed lemon peels for sparkling dishes.

Repel moths and insects

Dried lemon peel keeps moths away. Lemon juice and peel can be used as a natural insect repellent in the home or garden​​​.

Natural deodorant

Lemon can be used as a natural deodorant by boiling lemon peel in water and using the vapors to deodorize.

cleaning shoes

A few drops of lemon juice mixed into dried shoe polish makes cleaning shoes easier and makes the cream smoother.

As a repellent for insects

The smell and taste of lemon is unpleasant to many insects. Use lemon juice or peel as a natural insect repellent in your home or garden.

Environmentally friendly alternatives

Using lemons in the home is not only effective but also environmentally friendly. They replace expensive and often chemical cleaning products with a natural and cost-effective alternative. Try these tips and see how you can care for your home the natural way!

Conclusion – Lemon Hacks

The lemon is more than just a food - it is a versatile home remedy that is used in many areas of daily life. From cooking to healthcare, lemon offers an environmentally friendly and effective alternative to many traditional products. Experiment with these tips and discover how lemon can enrich your everyday life!

With these diverse uses for lemons in the home, you can not only save money, but also reduce your environmental footprint. The lemon is a true miracle of nature that no household should be without!

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