Spirituality and meditation

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There are different views of what spirituality and meditation actually mean. The expression "Spiritus Sanctus" - "Holy Spirit" - of the Christian faith indicates that the concept of spirituality has to do with a poetry of life and thought that can be viewed as religious in the broadest sense.

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On the one hand, spirituality is equated with religiosity, i.e. with a lifestyle that is strongly influenced by religious doctrine. On the other hand, in older Duden, spirituality is associated with a basic spiritual attitude that the authors of the lexicons of the time saw as being strongly anchored in the Christian church. That is why the word spirituality was and is still partly equated with “piety”.

However, the meaning of the word has definitely changed in recent years. Today spirituality represents a way of life in which people align their lifestyle according to their spiritual and religious convictions. This can also happen less consciously, depending on the influence that the religious belief still has in the cultural environment. On the other hand, more and more people no longer equate spirituality with formal religions and their way of life.

Religious subjects

Spirituality in a modern understanding is the conscious engagement with religious issues in the broadest sense. In addition to esotericism, this also includes help in life, Meditation and naturopathic topics. This also explains the increasing number of books dealing with religion, energetic healing, rebirth, chakras, Reiki and many other topics that are classified as "esoteric" in the broadest sense.

That is why some psychologists see a more or less conscious mental preoccupation with questions about the meaning and value of human existence, the divine meaning and the search for an ultimate truth and a higher wisdom than belonging to spirituality. In general, a person leads a spiritual life when they have partially or fully integrated the following seven areas in their life:

1. Prayers and Trust in God

2. Search for knowledge and wisdom

3. The conviction that there is more than just what can be grasped with the senses. This is called transcendence.

4. Compassion and Tolerance

5. The conscious interaction with oneself, with others and with the environment

6. Gratitude and awe

7. Meditation and equanimity

In search of the meaning of life, more and more people are turning to spirituality. They read books on spiritual topics, attend yoga or Reiki courses and admire spiritual role models such as the Dalai Lama or Mother Theresa. In this way they not only broaden their own spiritual horizons, but often also live a more fulfilling and, for them, more meaningful life.

What do you think of spirituality and how do you live it? How do you integrate spirituality into everyday life?

Selfcompassion shows a new direction

The new message is "be kind to yourself". Many are very good at being tough on themselves and not taking good hair down, and at the same time being their biggest critic. But whether this is the right way to deal with one's own problems and to do one's good is questionable. Recent research indicates that self-compassion is an essential requirement for mental health. But many find it difficult to be a good friend to themselves. You have to like yourself to get out of a mess. Self-esteem can help to get out of a spiral of self-criticism and black-eyed vision.

  • In the end, indulgence towards oneself is more likely to lead to desired success than devastating self-criticism
  • Self-compassion makes you more patient and therefore more tedious when striving for goals
  • Self-pitying people are self-centered and who wants to be?
  • Many people make their own feelings dependent on the opinion of others. We break this vicious circle, has a strong self
  • Self-compassion creates mental health and prevents burnout
  • Constantly criticizing yourself only brings negative thoughts into your life and blocks us in what we do
  • Self-compassion reduces eating out of frustration
  • Even friendly people are risk-friendly and achieve more than those who don't trust themselves
  • Self-compassion makes you more balanced and therefore happier in everyday life
  • Self-friendliness, connectedness and mindfulness are the cornerstones of one's own existence
  • Self-friendliness: when things don't go too smoothly in life, you are there for yourself and not indifferent to yourself
  • Feeling of solidarity with others: that can only happen to me - such a thought does not even occur to so-called self-friendly people because they know it can affect anyone.
  • Mindfulness of one's emotions: those who suppress their feelings are not doing themselves any good

Do it Yourself

In our fast-paced times, surrounded by stress and hectic rush, it is more important than ever to allow ourselves small breaks and to take care of the energy build-up of our body and mind with guided meditation. Nature has given us a relaxed attitude that we often lose due to external circumstances. However, in order to meet the daily requirements, we need these regular times to be able to relax physically and mentally!

Even after the first use of a meditation, you will appreciate the power of these short conscious pauses. Just a few minutes of deep relaxation in meditation are enough to combat discouragement, exhaustion and tiredness more effectively than many hours of restless sleep. These are reasons to better deal with yourself.

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