Multipress bestsellers 2024: The best and most popular in the top 10 comparison | Honest tests

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Multipress weights

Multi-gym - your own home gym

Power. Muscle relation. Strengthened self-esteem. Professional reasons. Muscles to compensate for weaknesses. At some point we all get to the point where we think: “Man, this can’t continue like this.” The first thought is to go to the gym. Some of us aren't really up for it. Take out a subscription, go there regularly, wait at sweaty machines, air conditioning - air, be unmotivated or simply no time. Setting up a home gym offers a more flexible solution. A multi-gym station is ideal as a base, where you can do many different exercises. From the comfort of your own home, whenever you want. Today we introduce you to the multi-gym model. What options you have, what you can do with the bestseller 2024: The best and most popular in the top 10 comparison | Honest tests should pay attention to which accessories are available and what the advantages and disadvantages are. – Multipress bestsellers 2024: The best and most popular in the top 10 comparison | Honest tests

Recommended reading: You will find many guides on various topics in the advice section !

Multipress bestsellers 2024: The best and most popular in the top 10 comparison | Honest tests – in comparison

ArtSport multifunctional weight bench set ProfiGym 1000 & 3in1 ...Bowflex multi-gym PR 1000Hop-Sport collapsible weight bench HS-1055 with curl desk, ...ArtSport multifunction weight bench ProfiGym1000 foldable & 4-fold...Train Hard weight bench leg curl butterfly, tested and...ArtSport multi-gym ProfiGym 2000 with Latzug- &...Sportstech unique 3in1 back trainer & abdominal trainer with...Hop-Sport weight bench multi-gym 1075 with lat pull, curl pult,...Finnlo Power Station Autark 600, 3929
ArtSport multifunctional weight bench set ProfiGym ... *Bowflex multi-gym PR 1000*Hop-Sport collapsible weight bench HS-1055 with ... *ArtSport multifunction weight bench ProfiGym1000...*Train Hard Weight Bench Leg Curl Butterfly, tested...*ArtSport multi-gym ProfiGym 2000 with Latzug- &...*Sportstech unique 3in1 back trainer & ... *Hop-Sport weight bench multi-gym 1075 with lat pulldown, ... *Finnlo multi-gym Autark 600, 3929 *
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What is a multi-press multi-gym?

A multi-gym combines many different training and exercise options in one machine. It has various devices to train the entire body. In contrast to the rowing machine, in which you primarily only train the upper half of the body, with a multi-press you can target every muscle. The cardiovascular system is trained depending on the training. Those who are not necessarily looking for strength, but for endurance, correct the weights downwards and the sets upwards accordingly. You can train both with a multi-gym: endurance and strength or muscle building. Depending on which muscles are being addressed with what weight and duration. If you are looking for a few tips on the subject of motivation, you will find them below. A multi-gym consists of a frame on which various rollers with tension straps on which weights hang. A backrest and a bench enable a wide variety of exercises. Which these can be and for which muscle groups they are suitable, more on that later.


Strong materials are a must. And: the less they are screwed, the more stable they are. If they are screwed on, please make sure when assembling that the individual elements have been manufactured really well and safely. Protruding screws or sharp edges can lead to injuries. In good models, the frame is made of steel. Steel is very stable. But it has to be well made. The seat cushions can be made of well-padded EVA. EVA is a hard-wearing plastic that is tear-resistant and easy to care for. How you can take care of your multi-gym, see below. Another important property of a high quality device is the adjustability of the upholstery and the fact that the rotating rollers are mounted on ball bearings.

➫ Tip: You may need a suitable surface. This not only protects sensitive floors such as parquet, but also prevents the devices from sliding. A non-slip surface is also important for yourself when training. For this reason, there are special underground mats made of soft, but hard-wearing and non-slip plastic. These are available as a plug-in system or as a complete mat.

Tour Locations

A home gym multi-press needs space. Most devices can cope with 2-3 square meters. But! You must not forget that you still have to move the weights and move around on the station. For this freedom of movement alone, please allow for at least one more, but better two meters all around. Even if you use a sling trainer, it can also get tight. This can take up to three meters. And the height? 2,5 m is usually sufficient. However, if you plan to include a punching bag or a dip bar, it is better to assume a little more space.

Who is a multi press suitable for?

Muscle relation can never hurt. Healthy and well-trained muscles not only promote fat loss, it is beneficial for the entire organism, but also good for the immune system. Huh? Yes, you read that right. Our muscles form a certain enzyme that ensures that our defenses are strengthened. They also nourish our bones - which in turn helps with special diseases such as osteoporosis. Helps, not heals, but stable muscles support the body. The metabolism and the associated regeneration-related processes are strengthened by building up, as is our self-esteem.


To get to the point. The body has to exert itself where we exert it. This is very clear in stroke patients. At a certain point, the affected regions of the body should no longer be spared, but rather challenged. The training tells the body: “You have to start here!” In most cases, however, we can do something beforehand so that we can stay fit and healthy for a long time - by building muscle. We can:

  • Strengthen the entire back and thus prevent postural damage and tension
  • Strengthen the leg muscles, which not only looks good, but which is also beneficial for the entire sequence of movements
  • the abdominal muscles carry us with us when we walk and run - and also when we sit. Good abdominal muscles are a protective shield for all internal organs
  • support the arms and thus also the shoulders and the naked person, strengthen our grip strength

These are just a few of the many positive results when we start doing something specifically for our health and thus automatically taking action against diseases.


And there you train your psyche at the same time? The answer is: YES. Why? On the one hand, the training releases serotonin. The messenger of luck. Adrenaline is also stimulated in our body. Adrenaline pushes us and, when it is positive stress, is great for giving the whole inner world a boost. Who does not know that feeling: "Great, done!" Even if it was so exhausting. Or just because! Self-esteem increases. Someone who feels very comfortable in their skin also radiates this. The mirror neurons in our brains ensure that we also create this feeling in our counterpart. This can sometimes lead to our entire outside world interacting with us in a far more positive and open manner. Better musculature also improves our posture (if we have trained properly!). Shoulders back, chest out, stomach in. Even if it only lasts for 20 seconds with enormous self-discipline, the right training can lead to this attitude. We radiate self-confidence and strength and we automatically perceive that in our psyche. Anyone who is skillfully and powerfully shaken hands knows that. The other person is immediately perceived as energetic and strong. Why not turn the tables?


For most multi-gyms, the conditions are for

  • Butterfly
  • lat
  • Ruderzug
  • Hamstrings / quadriceps
  • Chest press and
  • Shoulder press

given. In many cases, that's enough. But not in some. So you can still go to the stations

to buy. For the barbells and dumbbells, of course, there are also different weights that you can use depending on your training status.

✯ Attention: Pay attention to the total mass! Some stations can handle weights of up to 130-150 kilograms, some less, others more.

➫ Tip: if you have enough space, there is also a pull-up bar for the door frame. You simply clamp the rod in the frame, i.e. in the frame.

Some models have the option of attaching a punching bag. Then you can hang it directly on the multistation. As beneficial as it sounds, of course, freedom of movement is again restricted. There are free-standing punching bags that you can put elsewhere. That makes the whole station a bit more flexible again.

Muscle groups and their structure

Here is a small overview of which area your new muscle machine covers for you:


The butterfly primarily appeals to the chest muscles. Important for a firm chest - regardless of whether you are a man or a woman. At the same time, this exercise also addresses the front shoulder and a little bit the biceps as well. Two rods are pulled towards the side of the body so that you flutter like a butterfly.


The lat pulldown works more than the back of the chest muscles and includes almost all muscles in the back and also the shoulder muscles. Biceps included. Seen in the picture, the exercise with the lat pulldown is a perfect complement to the butterfly. To do this, sit on the back left on the muscle machine and pull the handle towards you.


The rowing pull goes even deeper. Here the large back muscle, the latissimus and also the secondary muscles such as the trapezius muscle are addressed. Here, too, the biceps play a role again. Here, too, you pull a bar towards you, but not from above, as with the lat pulldown, but parallel to your stomach.

Hamstrings / quadriceps

Now it's the turn of the legs. Again, the weights are pulled by stretching the legs. This happens in a sitting position. You can adjust the weights. There are two things to consider here. On the one hand, it is not suitable after a cruciate ligament operation; on the other hand, it can cause damage if it is improperly performed. When you start exercising, please get a specialist briefing beforehand. Otherwise? A great thing to use the entire leg muscles.

chest press

The chest press is again for the entire chest muscles and also for the shoulder area and the triceps. The strength here comes purely from the chest muscles. You push the weights away from you, so to speak, only with the help of your chest. It's not about the biceps this time.

Shoulder press

Here, as the name suggests, the muscles of the entire shoulder are addressed by moving the weight away from you from the shoulder. That strengthens the back and also a better, i.e. straight posture.

Dip station

Dip stations are assholes. With your own weight you push yourself up again and again on two brackets. But, it works, and not too tightly. Doesn't that sound difficult? By the second sentence at the latest, it tugs - everywhere.

Barbells and dumbbells

The barbells and dumbbells can be used for everything and not only train the entire arm, shoulder, back muscles or grip strength. It has to develop with you so that you don't drop the dumbbells. The grip comes from the forearm, which is trained here at the latest.


The slings that can be attached to such a multi-gym can either be used for the legs or for the arms. You can also train your buttocks in this way. The foot or hand is put into this loop and at the other end of the rope there is a weight running over a pulley. This is a very flexible method to train special weak points.

Recommended reading: You will find many guides on various topics in the advice section !

What to look out for when buying a multi press

A small list would like to bring the most important aspects to the point:

➠ How much money do I want to spend on a multi-press?
➠ what should my multi-press cover?
➠ should it be expandable?
➠ is it well made and stable? (The opinions and user information of other users also help here on the Internet)
➠ do I have enough space? Calculated in cubic meters!
➠ and do I need a floor protector?

The devices should be able to be adjusted effectively. The more suitable a device is, the more effective the exercise is. The home gym has to adapt to the user - not the other way around! Otherwise there is a risk of injury, internally and externally. Good stations don't give you that many weights and you have to take care of the barbells and dumbbells as well. Why? Because good manufacturers know: a good base for the station is more important than the accessories, because every athlete likes to choose it himself anyway. Everyone is different and has different requirements.


You also have to take care of it every now and then. You can clean the seats and the handles with a damp cloth. If that's not enough and to prevent the formation of muffles, a dash of vinegar in the water helps to kill odors and bacteria. If your trainer squeaks, re-grease the rollers and joint parts if necessary. If you don't roll lightly, it can be on the pull ropes. The better the pulleys let the ropes slide, the less irritation you will have during training - that means a smoother sequence of movements and that in turn is better for your body. Make sure that all assembled elements are screwed tight. The components must not be loose, otherwise they will become unstable.


Having a multi-press and knowing which muscles are addressed with which "language" is great, but sometimes only nourishes you until the first muscle hangover. So here are a few tips.

Motivation Nothing works without motivation, so here are a few quick & dirty motivation tips:

* Product images & links | Source: Amazon PA API | Last update on 2.05.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX | * = Affiliate links | Prices quoted on this website may have changed. The actual price of a product can be found on the seller's website. Real-time updates are technically not possible. Prices including VAT plus shipping costs


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I'm a freelance author who has published two books, among others. Write as a passionate ghostwriter, a committed adviser, an avid e-booker, and most of all, free. My motto: life will not come after you, but it's twice as fast approaching you.

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